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Location: Sunnyvale, California, United States

Monday, September 17, 2007

Windows Live Services -- I'm not impressed!

Since writing my last post on Windows Live I have had a chance to run the downloaded applications on my laptop. Unfortunately, I'm not impressed. First, it installed programs that I did not want -- Windows Desktop search. This program alone slowed my computer tremendously. So it had to go.

Even though I do not have friends who use Windows Messenger, I gave this program a try because it works with Yahoo! Messenger as well. Again, this program is very heavy to run. It had to go!

Now, about Windows Live Mail. I liked the overall look and feel. But, application slows my computer down to snail's pace making it impossible to work with any other program running. It is much slower than Thunderbird 1.5 and even slower than Outlook. Of course, it does not even come close to Gmail's browser interface which is at least 20 times faster than this program. My decision, therefore, is to not use this program anymore and just stick with my good ol' Firefox browser and Gmail.

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Another very interesting quote

“The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinions.”

- James Russell Lowell

Well, James Russell here succinctly put into words what I had taken a whole blog post to discuss in Hurdle to Free Argumentation. Many people don't like arguments only because they're afraid of changing their opinion at the end of it. I hope they change their opinion now! :)


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Windows Live Services -- I wish they were alive!!

I was happy today because I was able to get a new MSN.com email address that I wished. Now, the only other thing I am looking for is that Live.com address as well, which unfortunately, some people have already gotten hold of using a script that has since been disabled by Microsoft. Anyways, coming back to the point. I am always interested in what is happening on the web - esp. relating to Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft. Like Yahoo! and Google, Microsoft too has been working on a set of web-based applications combined accessible through a single login. They are making a big deal out of it and without doubt introducing many new changes. Given this customer-friendly approach (which unfortunately seemed missing earlier), I decided to check out all that Microsoft was offering.

The Microsoft mail blog did entice my interest. Apart from the usual yada yada, I was happy to see downloadable desktop applications -- mail being the most interesting -- which allows for downloading all your Windows Live mail to your computer and essentially offers Outlook Express like functionality with new and improved modifications. So, I decided to download this from http://get.live.com/betas and in my excitement also check on the other software available for download, for example, the Live Writer Beta that allows composing for your blogs. I downloaded this around 10:30pm and started to install all these programs right away. It is 1:11am now and I only see the Windows Messenger installed. The rest of the programs are just downloaded and are yet to be installed! And this has disappointed me! I was wishing cool new applications from Microsoft, at least this time, that would be light and will install in a flash. Google certainly has spoiled us on that.

Now, I have to get back to sleep. I am leaving my laptop running and am hoping to see all the applications installed by morning. I do want to give the desktop applications a try before writing MS off-- at least for the time being!

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

हिन्दीं मॆं मेरा पहला ब्लौग

मुझे यह जानकर बहुत ख़ुशी हुई कि गूगल कि वजह से मैं आज हिंदी मैं एक ब्लौग पोस्टिंग लिख रहा हूँ। बचपन से मुझे हिंदी मॆं लिखना पसंद है लेकिन संगणकों (कंप्यूटर) के साथ हिंदी मॆं लिखना पहले इतना आसान नहीं था। खैर और समय खराब ना करते हुए या तो मुझे यह सोचना पड़ेगा कि मॆं आगे क्या लिखूं या फिर मुझे अभी लिखना बंद करना पड़ेगा। मुझे लग रहा है दूसरा ओप्शन (हिंदी शब्द नही मिल रहा) ही लेना पड़ेगा।

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