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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Windows Live Services -- I wish they were alive!!

I was happy today because I was able to get a new MSN.com email address that I wished. Now, the only other thing I am looking for is that Live.com address as well, which unfortunately, some people have already gotten hold of using a script that has since been disabled by Microsoft. Anyways, coming back to the point. I am always interested in what is happening on the web - esp. relating to Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft. Like Yahoo! and Google, Microsoft too has been working on a set of web-based applications combined accessible through a single login. They are making a big deal out of it and without doubt introducing many new changes. Given this customer-friendly approach (which unfortunately seemed missing earlier), I decided to check out all that Microsoft was offering.

The Microsoft mail blog did entice my interest. Apart from the usual yada yada, I was happy to see downloadable desktop applications -- mail being the most interesting -- which allows for downloading all your Windows Live mail to your computer and essentially offers Outlook Express like functionality with new and improved modifications. So, I decided to download this from http://get.live.com/betas and in my excitement also check on the other software available for download, for example, the Live Writer Beta that allows composing for your blogs. I downloaded this around 10:30pm and started to install all these programs right away. It is 1:11am now and I only see the Windows Messenger installed. The rest of the programs are just downloaded and are yet to be installed! And this has disappointed me! I was wishing cool new applications from Microsoft, at least this time, that would be light and will install in a flash. Google certainly has spoiled us on that.

Now, I have to get back to sleep. I am leaving my laptop running and am hoping to see all the applications installed by morning. I do want to give the desktop applications a try before writing MS off-- at least for the time being!

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Blogger Geetika Garg said...

ओप्शन के स्थान पर आप 'विकल्प' शब्द का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं :-)

11:53 PM, October 16, 2007  

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